splash  Though never considered a major star, Louise Brooks graced the covers of a number of a number of magazines in her day. This page, one of a handful which document her magazine cover appearances, feature covers published in Eastern Europe, namely the former Yugoslavia (this title was published in what is now Croatia), the former Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic, as these titles were published in Prague), and Poland. Covers are presented in chronological order by country.

If you have additional covers (there have to be others from Eastern Europe — especially Czechoslovakia, and how about it Hungary or Romania or Ukraine?) or further information on any of these titles, or if you have a better scan of any of these covers, please CONTACT the Louise Brooks Society. Thank you for your interest. A directory of other pages on the LBS website which feature cover appearances can be found on Louise Brooks – “Cover Girl”.

Cinema-6-15-28-croatia Hollywood-10-1928-CZ Cesky-svet-8-8-29-CZ
Cinema, June 15, 1928
Hollywood, October 1928
Český svět, August 8, 1929
7DNI 3-31-1929 KinoTeatr4-16-29 7DNI-2-16-1930 Kino 1932
7 DNI, March 31, 1929
Kino Teatr, April 16, 1929
7 DNI, February 16, 1930
Kino, April 1, 1932