splash  This page presents an annotated, worldwide bibliography of reviews, articles and other published material related to the 1929 film Tagebuch einer Verlorenen, or The Diary of a Lost Girl. This German film includes Louise Brooks in the role Thymian. Around the world, this film was exhibited or written about under other titles including خاطرات روزانه‌ی یك دخت  گمشده  (Arabic countries); Tres páginas de un diario (Argentina); Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen (Austria); O diário de uma perdida (Brazil); Diário de uma mulher perdida (Brazil); Jornal de uma perdida (Brazil); Jornal de uma garota perdida (Brazil); Deník ztracené (Czechoslovakia); Diario de una perdida (Ecuador); Kadotetun päiväkirja (Finland); Journal d’une fille perdue (France); Trois pages d’un journal (France); ΤΟ ΗΜΕΡΟΛΟΓΙΟ ΜΙΑΣ ΠΑΡΑΣΤΡΑΤΗΜΕΝΗΣ (Greece); Egy perdita naplója (Hungary); Diario di una donna perduta (Italy); Diario di una perduta (Italy); Diario di una prostituta (Italy); Das Tagebuch einer Verfuhrten (Latvia); Kritušas dienasgramata (Latvia); Diario de una mujer perdida (Mexico); Diario de una muchacha perdida (Mexico); Dusze bez steru (Poland); Dziennik upadley dziewczyny (Poland); Pamiętnik upadłej (Poland); Jornal de Uma Perdida (Portugal); Jurnalul unei femei pierdute (Romania); Dnevnik izgubljenke (Slovenia); Tres páginas de un diario (Spain); Diari d’una perduda (Spain – Catalonia); En fallen flickas dagbok (Sweden); Trois Pages D’un Journal (Switzerland); Diary of a Lost Girl (United States); Tres páginas de un diario (Uruguay); Diario de una perdida (Uruguay); Дневник падшей  (U.S.S.R.); Diario de una joven perdida (Venezuela).

This page is a work in progress. The intention of this selective bibliography is to be both as comprehensive and as useful as possible. Most citations represent a substantial review or article. Shorter, capsule reviews — usually a paragraph or two in length — are so noted. Entries are arranged chronologically. Critical commentary regarding Brooks, or the film as a whole (excerpted from the material cited) are given as annotations. Some citations link to the material noted. Some links reside on the Louise Brooks Society, while others exist elsewhere on the web.

Much can be gleamed from a bibliography such as this. Besides what critics thought of the film, one can follow the path of the film’s distribution — where it showed and when. As well, this bibliography reflects how many newspapers there may have been in any given city or region, and which of those reviewed movies. History, here, is in the details.

An * indicates that a copy of this citation is held in the archives of the LBS. This annotated bibliography has been compiled by Thomas Gladysz, and was last updated in July 2015. [Help wanted: If you know of additional citations, can provide further information on entries noted on this page, or can provide copies of citations not marked with an * but which are known to exist, please contact the LBS. The LBS would especially like to acquire material on the screening of this film in eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, and Asia.]

premiered Sept. 27, 1929 / Banned, rereleased January 6, 1930

anonymous. “In den deutschen Filmwerkstätten III: G. W. Pabst beim stummen Film.” Film-Kurier, June 28, 1929. (Germany) *
— article on the making of the film

Heßling, Hanna. Tempo, June 28, 1929. (Germany)
— article

Gruntmann, Martin. Neue Berliner Zeitung / Das 12 Uhr Blatt, July 5, 1929. (Germany)
— article

anonymous. Film-Kurier, July 23, 1929. (Germany)
— interview with Art Directer Ernö Metzner

anonymous. Die Filmwoche, July 31, 1929. (Germany)
— interview with Art Directer Ernö Metzner

anonymous. “Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Mein Film, September, 1929. (Austria) *
— short article with illustration

anonymous. “Hundstage im Grunewald-Atelier.” Kinematograph, September 15, 1929. (Germany) *
— full page of film stills and text; Berlin publication

author unknown. “Das Tagebuch einer Verlonen.” Paimann’s Filmlisten, September 27, 1929. (Austria) *
— brief article in trade publication

anonymous. “Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Das Kleine Blatt, September 29, 1929. (Austria) *
— review in Vienna newspaper

R.,F. (Rosenfeld, Fritz). Arbeiter-Zeitung, September 29, 1929. (Austria)
— Vienna publication; ” . . . Louise Brooks hat in der Hauptrolle gegen den Schatten Asta Nielsens anzukämpfen, die diese Figur zum erstenmal im Filom verköperte. Ihr herbes, leidenschaftloses und untheatralisches Spiel, das im wesentlichen ein Spiel der ausdrucksvollen dunklen Augen ist, rettet die Geschichte Thymians vorm Versinken in Sentimentalität, wie der ganze Film von jeglicher Sentimentalität frei ist . . . .” – Vienna publication

anonymous. “Aus dem Pabst-Film Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Film-Kurier, October 5, 1929. (Germany) *
— half-page spread of captioned stills

anonymous. “Was in den Filmen geschieht.” Die Filmwoche, October 9, 1929. (Germany) *
— short film synopsis

author unknown. “Protokoll der Oberprüfstelle: Verbot.” Film-Kurier, October 12, 1929. (Germany)
— article on censorship of the film

author unknown. “Zehn Verbände gegen einen Film.” Kinematograph, October 12, 1929. (Germany)
— article on censorship of the film

al. Lichtbild-Buhne, October 15, 1929. (Germany)
— Berlin publication

anonymous. Berliner Illustrierte Nachtausgabe, October 15, 1929. (Germany)
— Berlin publication

Jäger, Ernst. “Film-Kritik.” Film-Kurier, October 15, 1929. (Germany) *
— long review

anonymous. “Und was dem Zensor mißfiel.” Film-Kurier, October 15, 1929. (Germany) *
— about censorship of the film

Li. (Lippschitz, Arnold). Neue Berliner Zeitung / Das 12 Uhr Blatt, October 15, 1929. (Germany)
— Berlin publication

Lustig, Hanns G. Tempo, October 15, 1929. (Germany)
— review

Salmony, G(eorg) F. B.Z. am Mittag, October 15, 1929. (Germany)
— Berlin publication

W., Hj. (Wille, Hansjurgen). 8 Uhr-Arbendblatt / National-Zeitung, October 15, 1929. (Germany)
— review

anonymous. “Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Kinematograph, October 16, 1929. (Germany) *
— review in Berlin publication

b., e. (Busing, Erna). Der abend, Spatausgabe des Vorwarts, October 16, 1929. (Germany)

Dur. “Thymian oder eine Apothekerstochter auf der Hintertreppe / Der Regisseur G. W. Pabst als geistiger Lustknabe.” Die Rote Fahne, October 16, 1929. (Germany)
— Dur (Durus) is a pen name for Alfréd Keményi; Berlin publication

Gl., K. (Gluck, Konrad). “Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Berliner Morgenpost, October 16, 1929. (Germany) *
— review in Berlin newspaper

j. “Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Germania, October 16, 1929. (Germany) *
— author is Igna Maria Junemann; capsule review in Berlin newspaper

p., h. (Pol, Heinz). “Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Vossische Zeitung, October 16, 1929. (Germany)
— “Der Abend wäre verloren gewesen, hätte nicht die Darstellung interessiert. Louise Brooks, bereits Pabstens Lulu, gibt sich jetzt schon freier, ihre kindlichen Bewegungen wirken echt, aber dann kommen wieder ganze Strecken ganz durchschnittlicher Darstellungsart. Am naturlichsten ist sie in lustspielhaften Momenten, vielleicht ist sie ein Komödientalent.” – Berlin publication

S., F. (Schnitzer, Franze). Berliner Volks-Zeitung, October 16, 1929. (Germany)
— Berlin publication

Tasiemka, Hans. “Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Berlin am Morgan, October 16, 1929. (Germany)
— Berlin publication; “Schauspielerisch wird zun Teil Brillantes geboten. Wunderbar schicksalhaft Louise Brooks als Verlorene.”

Men. (Mendelsohn, Michael). Die Welt am Abend, October 18, 1929. (Germany)
— review

anonymous. Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, October 19, 1929. (Germany)
— review in Berlin publication

anonymous. Die Wahrheit, October 19, 1929. (Germany)
— article

anonymous. Hamburger Anzeiger, October 19, 1929. (Germany)
— review in Hamburg publication

anonymous. Hamburger Echo, October 19, 1929. (Germany)
— review in Hamburg publication

anonymous. Lichtbild-Buhne, October 19, 1929. (Germany)
— article on the film’s music in Berlin publication

Betz. “Im U.T. Kurfürstendamm: Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Der Film, October 19, 1929. (Germany) *
— author is Hans Walter Betz; German trade publication

F., W. (Fielder, Werner) Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, October 19, 1929. (Germany)
— review

ng. Hamburger Anzeiger, October 19, 1929. (Germany)
— Hamburg publication

Zweifel, Peter. “Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Reichsfilmblatt, October 19, 1929. (Germany)*
— review

S., E. “Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen (U.T. Kurfurstendamm).” Reichsfilmblatt, October 19, 1929. (Germany)*
— paragraph on the film in the page on Kino-Musik

anonymous. Neue Preußische (Kreuz-)Zeitung, October 20, 1929. (Germany)
— review

Blaß, Ernst. “Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Berliner Tageblatt, October 20, 1929. (Germany) *
— “Eine vortreffliche, manchmal hervorragende Regiearbeit von G. W. Pabst. In der Mitte die vollendete und interessante Schönheit der Amerikanerin Louise Brooks (…) Und Louise Brooks geht in stummer Schönheit, erschrocken, trotzig, wartend, verwundert durch den Film, als das Mädchen, dem dies passiert. Fast wie ein schöner, tragischer Buster Keaton. Großäugig, infantil, in entzückenden Kleidern.” – Berlin newspaper

Spitz, Lotte. Vossische Zeitung, October 20, 1929. (Germany)
— article about the film’s music in Berlin publication

anonymous. Der Montag, Sonderausgabe des Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, October 21, 1929. (Germany)
— Berlin publication

Kluge, Erich. “Vom Film.” Die Welt am Montag, October 21, 1929. (Germany) *
— short review in Berlin newspaper

Sahl, Hans. “Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Der Montag Morgan, October 21, 1929. (Germany)
— “Louise Brooks bringt ihr Girltum (es ist auch diesmal kaum mehr) auf eine sehr reizvolle und liebliche Art zur Geltung.” – Berlin publication

ks. “Die Lüge im Sittenfilm.” Deutsche Zeitung, October 22, 1929. (Germany)
— Berlin publication

Kaul, W(alter). “Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Berliner Borsen-Courier, October 22, 1929. (Germany)
— Berlin publication; “Louise Brooks ist unbeschreiblich schön, sie weiß aber nicht, was sie spelt. Ihr Gegenpol ist Valeska Gert, die als Vorsteherin einer Erziehungsanstalt konzentrierte Bosheit verabfolgt. Sie ist an und für sich fabelhaft, zwischen ihr und der Brooks besteht aber im Spiel keine Berührungmöglichkeit.” – Berlin publication

London, Kurt. Der Film, October 26, 1929. (Germany)
— on the film’s music

net. Die Filmwochen, number 44, 1929. (Germany)

anonymous. Sozialistsche Bidung, November, 1929. (Germany)
— possibly authored by Hermann Hieber

anonymous. “Tagebuch-Musik.” Reichsfilmblatt, November 2, 1929. (Germany) *
— one paragraph in the page devoted to Kino-Musik

anonymous. “Protest bei einem film.” Film-Kurier, November 11, 1929. (Germany) *
— article about censorship of the film

anonymous. “Diary of a Lost Girl.” Variety, November 20, 1929. *
— “This time he has also been unfortunate in the choice of his heroine…. Louise Brooks (American) is monotonous in the tragedy which she has to present.”

wkl. (Werner Klette). Munchner Zeitung, November 30 – December 1, 1929. (Germany)
— Munich publication

Mitry, Jean. “Le Journal D’une Fille Perdue.” Cinémonde, December 5, 1929. (France) *
— two-page illustrated article

anonymous. Deutsche Filmzeitung, December 6, 1929. (Germany)
— editorial in Munich publication

anonymous. “Pabst Tagebuch endgültig verboten.” Film-Kurier, December 10, 1929. (Germany) *
— article about censorship of the film

anonymous. “Zehn Verbande gegen einen Film.” Kinematograph, December 10, 1929. (Germany) *
— article about censorship of the film; Berlin publication

anonymous. “Oberprüfstelle verbietet Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Reichsfilmblatt, December 14, 1929. (Germany) *
— short article

nz. Neue Berliner Zeitung / Das 12 Uhr Blatt, December 16, 1929. (Germany)
— article by Max Lenz about censorship of the film in Berlin publication

Ickes, Paul. Die Filmwoche, December 18, 1929. (Germany)
— article about censorship of the film

author unknown. Deutsche Filmzeitung, December 20, 1929. (Germany)
— article about censorship of the film in Munich publication

anonymous. “Cinemas.” Le Figaro, April 9, 14, 17, 21, 28, 1930. (France) *
— series of brief, one, two or three paragraph entries on the film in Paris newspaper

Vuillermoz, Emile. “Echos Et Nouvelles.” Le Temps, April 12, 1930. (France) *
— one paragraph on the film in Paris newspaper

Vivien, Jacques. “Les Mendiants de la Vie.” Petit Parisian, April 18, 1930. (France) *
— review in Paris newspaper

Wahl, Lucien. “Trois pages d’un journal.” L’Ouevre, April 18, 1930. (France) *
— review in Paris newspaper

Vinneuil, Francois. “Trois pages d’un journal.” L’Action Francaise, April 18, 1930. (France) *
— long review in Paris newspaper

anonymous. “Les Presentations – Au Rialto.” Le Courrier Cinematographique, April 19/26, 1930. (France) *
— review in French trade journal

Vuillermoz, Emile. “Un film de Pabst.” Le Temps, April 19, 1930. (France) *
— review in Paris newspaper

Bodin, Richard Pierre. “Trois pages d’un journal.” Le Figaro, April 20, 1930. (France) *
— review with still in Paris newspaper

René-Girard. “Trois pages d’un journal.” Cinémonde, April 24, 1930. (France) *
— full page, illustrated article; “Mais le miracle, c’est l’interprètatiou par Louise Brooks du role de Mary. La foule s’agite autour d’elle. Les evenements passent, changeant sa vie, sea moeurs. A d’infimes frémissements, à un jeu subtil des yeux, on devine ses sentiments. C’est une fille perdue. Elle est belle et immobile. Elle souffre et elle est impassible. Louise Brooks, avec une presque totale absence de jeu, a créé une emotion intense.”

C., M. “Les Films Du Mois.” Cinèmagazine, May 1930. (France) *
— review; author may be Marcel Carné

Arnoux, Alexandre. “Communiques a la presse . . .”. Pour Vous, May 1, 1930. (France) *
— article about the film

Soupault, Philippe. “Au Rialto: Trois pages d’un journal (Le Journal d’une fille perdue).” L’Europe nouvelle, May 3, 1930. (France) *
— Soupault, one of the original Surrealists, notes that Brooks is an actress of the first rank; reprinted in Ecrits de cinema 1918 – 1931 (Paris: Plon 1979).

Crainquebille. “Les Presentations.” Cine-Journal, May 30, 1930. (France) *
— capsule review; “Excellente de Louise Brooks, très à ra place dans le rôle de Mary.”

Chavance, Louis. “Trois pages d’un journal.” La Revue du Cinema, June 1, 1930. (France) *
— Paris publication

Ct., J. “De Film en film.” Journal de Genève, December 2, 1930. (Switzerland) *
— short review in film column; Geneva newspaper

anonymous. “Trois pages d’un journal.” Cinémiroir, December 5, 1930. (France)
— full page illustrated article; back cover of this issue also features a full page image of Brooks

Arnheim, Rudolf. Film als Kunst. Berlin: Ernst Rowohlt Verlag, 1932.
— contains three short passages on the film; published in English as Film as Art (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1957)

Hunter, William. Scrutiny of Cinema. London: Wishart & Co, 1932.
— contains passing reference

May, Renato. “Il diario di una donna perduta.” Bianco e Nero. August 31, 1938. (Italy) *
— long article; ” . . . la banalità della trama, un sentimentalismo sfruttato, il contrasto facile fra l’ipocrisia e la dirittura e la generosità che può invece avere una donna perduta, renderebbero il film ridicolo, se la recitazione degli attori fosse non mediocre, ma anche semplicemente abbastanza buona. Essa è invece veramente eccezionale. Sotto la regia di Pabst tutti recitano bene, e la mediocrissima Louise Brooks, mal compresa e mal diretta dagli americani suoi connazionali, diventa in questo film una rivelazione . . . ottima tra tutte ci appare la recitazione di Louise Brooks nel ruolo di Mary [Thymiane]. La folla si agita attorno a lei. Gli avvenimenti si succedono cambiando la sua vita, i suoi costumi. Da fremiti impercettibili, da un giuoco delicato di sguardi, si indovinano i suoi pensieri. Ella è una donna perduta, bella ed immobile. Ella soffre e rimane impassibile. E appunto questo ciò che più conta: con una quasi totale “assenza di recitazione”, ella ha saputo creare attorno a sè un’atmosfera densa di intense emozioni.”

Lapierre, Marcel. Le cent visages du cinéma. France: Bernard Grasset, 1948. *
— section on the film

Gesek, Ludwig. “G.W. Pabst.” Filmkunst – Zeitschrift für Filmkultur und Filmwissenschaft, 1955. *
— included in 14 page article on the director

anonymous. “Archivists’ Choice Of Films.” London Times, December 31, 1955. (England) *
— announcement of screening of Diary of a Lost One selected by M. Andre Thirifays of the Cinematheque de Belgique, in London, England newspaper

anonymous. “Cinema 16 Lists 2 New Programs.” New York Times, January 16, 1960. *
— announcement of screening for Diary of a Lost One (for which Brooks was invited to appear) in New York City newspaper

anonymous. “Famous Hollywood Thrillers.” London Times, March 9, 1961. (England) *
— “. . . and the two films in which Pabst directed that now almost legendary star of the twenties, Louise Brooks” – announcement of screening of Diary of a Lost One and Pandora’s Box at the National Film Theater in London, England newspaper

Cuenca, Carlos Fernandez. El cine aleman: Elementos de filmografia critica 1896 – 1960, Madrid: Filmoteca Nacional de España, 1961. *
— brief entry on “Tres páginas de un diario”

Borde, Raymond; Buache, Freddy; Courtade, Francis. Le cinéma réaliste allemand. Lyon, France: Serdoc, 1965. *
— contains a 13 page chapter on the film, as well as 1 page of film stills

Fernandez Cuenca, Carlos. G.W. Pabst. Madrid: Filmoteca Nacional de Espana, 1967.
— discussion of the two Brooks’ film in “La Trilogia Erortica”

Aubry, Yves and Petat, Jacques. “Les dessous d’une morale,” L’Avant-Scene, 1968. (France) *
— commentary on the film in the G. W. Pabst issue of Anthologie du Cinéma, IV

Weinberg, Herman G. “The Lost Ones – The Box of Pandora.” Classic Film Collector, Summer, 1968.
— pages 46 – 47

Eisner, Lotte H. The Haunted Screen. London: Thames and Hudson, 1969. *
— contains three pages of material on the film

author unknown. Classic Film Collector, Summer, 1973.
— page 63

author unknown. Classic Film Collector, Winter, 1973.
— page 26

Krusche, Dieter. Reclams Filmfuhrer, Stuttgart, Germany: P. Reclam, 1973.
— contains an article on the film

Friend, Rudolf. Film – Blätter. Kurzmonographien zu klassischen Filmen. Staatliches Filmarchiv der DDR, 1974. *
— contains a two page entry on Diary of a Lost Girl by Barbara Rogall

Garbicz, Adam and Klinowski, Jacek. Cinema, The Magic Vehicle. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1975. *
— short entry on Diary of a Lost Girl

Atwell, Lee. G.W. Pabst. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1977. *
— contains four pages of material on the film

Cowie, Peter. Eighty Years of Cinema. London: Barnes, 1977. *
— contains an entry on the film

Reif, Rita. “Antiques.” New York Times, December 31, 1978.  *
— referenced in article about gallery showing of film posters in New York City newspaper

Pratt, George. “Das tagebuch einer verlorenen.” Los Angeles International Film Exposition, 1980.  *
— brief program notes; Los Angeles, California

anonymous. “The Golden Age of the German Cinema: Diary of a Lost Girl.” Rohauer Collection, 19??.  *
— full page catalog entry (publication date unknown)

anonymous. “Diary of a Lost Girl.” 19??.  *
— distributor materials, full page catalog entry (unknown publication and date)

Garbicz, Adam and Klinowski, Jacek. Cinema, The Magic Vehicle. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1980. *
— short entries on significant films including Diary of a Lost Girl

B., J. “Film Notes – Diary of a Lost Girl (Tagebuch einer Verlorenen).” Pacific Film Archive, April 12, 1981.
— brief program notes regarding the PFA Film Series “Rare Films of Louise Brooks and Clara Bow” – Berkeley, California

author unknown. L’Humanité, December 2, 1981. (France)

author unknown. Le Matin, December 2, 1981. (France)
— Paris publication

P., J.M. “Le journal d’une fille perdue.” Les Nouvelles Littéraires, December 3-10, 1981. (France) *
— author is Jean Michel Palmier

Mardore, Michel. “Louise Brooks chez Sade.” Le Nouvel Observateur, December 5-11, 1981. (France) *
— one page article; Paris publication

author unknown. L’Humanité-dimanche, December 4, 1981. (France)

author unknown. Télérama, December 5, 1981. (France)

author unknown. Libération, December 8, 1981. (France)

author unknown. Le Matin, December 8, 1981. (France)

Sicher, Jacques. “La reprise de Journal d une fille perdue, de Pabst: Moeurs bourgeoises.” Le Monde, December 8, 1981. (France)
— short article

author unknown. Révolution, December 11, 1981. (France)

author unknown. Le Canard enchaîné, December 16, 1981. (France)

Interim, Louella. “La fille perdue est retrouvée.” Cahiers du Cinéma, January, 1982. (France) *
— one and one-half page article about a restored version of the film; Paris publication

Pétat, Jacques. “Le journal d’une fille perdue.” Cinéma 82, January, 1982. (France) *
— two page article; Paris publication

Lefevre, Raymond. “Le journal d’une fille perdue.” Revue du Cinema, January, 1982. (France)
— Paris publication

Seguin, Louis. “Innocence dissonance.” La Quinzaine littéraire, January 16-31, 1982. (France) *
— one page article

Kral, Peter. “Par – delà le bien et le mal.” Positif, February, 1982. (France) *
— two and one-half page article

Davay, Paul. Visions, September, 1982. (Belgium)
— Brussels publication

Milne, Tom. “Elegy from Budapest.” The Observer, October 3, 1982. (England) *
— write-up within article in London newspaper

Petley, Julian. “Reissue / Diary of a Lost Girl (1929).” Films and Filming, December, 1982. (England) *
— long review

Milne, Tom. “Das tagebuch einer verlorenen.” Monthly Film Bulletin, December, 1982. (England) *
— full page illustrated critique; “And Louise Brooks, of course, is divine.” – publication of the British Film Institute; London

Weemaes, Gaston. Film en Televisie, January, 1983. (Belgium)
— Brussels publication

Kauffmann, Stanley. “Two Anomalous Careers.” New Republic, October 10, 1983. *
— “Because Brooks’s personal qualities completely suffuse the screen, a lot of critics have written a lot of nonsense about her acting ability.”

anonymous. “Film Notes – Diary of a Lost Girl (Tagebuch einer Verlorenen).” Pacific Film Archive, October 12, 1983.
— brief program notes regarding the PFA program “Raymond Rohauer Presents a Rare German Silent” – Berkeley, California (follow this link to access text)

anonymous. “G.W. Pabst komt op voor de verdrukten.” Leeuwarder Courant, December 16, 1983. (Netherlands) *
— article in Leeuwarden, Netherlands newspaper

Greenspun, Roger. Penthouse, January, 1984.

Estrin, Eric. Los Angeles Magazine, July, 1984.
— television review

Cosford, Bill. “A ‘lost’ actress found in ‘Diary’.” Miami Herald, November 14, 1984. *
— review with illustration; ” . . . is thus a fascinating piece of evidence for speculation on the career that never was.” – Miami, Florida newspaper

Peter, Frank-Manuel. Valeska Gert. Berlin: Frolich & Kaufmann, 1985. *
— contains brief material on Diary of a Lost Girl and a reference to Brooks

anonymous. “1929 Silent Film Will Premiere In Syracuse.” Syracuse Post-Standard, January 21, 1985. *
— article in Syracuse, New York newspaper

anonymous. “Film Notes – Lulu in Berlin and Diary of a Lost Girl (Tagebuch einer Verlorenen).” Pacific Film Archive, October 5, 1985.
— brief program notes regarding the PFA Film Series “Treasures of the Silent Screen: A Tribute to Louise Brooks (1906-1985)” – Berkeley, California (follow this link to access text)

Combs, Richard. Listener, February 20, 1986. (England)
— review

Christie, Ian. “Film Guide.” Daily Express, February 21, 1986. (England) *
— “Lovely Louise Brooks stars in G. W. Pabst’s silent German classic about a girl who goes to the dogs after being seduced by a chemist.” – program listings in London newspaper

Williamson, Bruce. “11:45 Film: Diary of a Lost Girl.” Irish Times, February 21, 1986. (Ireland) *
— short article in article in Dublin, newspaper

LaSalle, Mick. “A vamp gets the silent treatment.” San Francisco Chronicle, January 22, 1987. *
— article about a local screening of the film; San Francisco, California newspaper

Curtright, Bob. “Louise Brooks Film Finally has a Premiere.” Wichita Eagle, May 29, 1987 *
— article in Wichita, Kansas newspaper

Museum of Modern Art. “G.W. Pabst.” October, 1988. *
— included in program notes

Dahlke, Günther and Karl, Günther. Deutsche Spielfilme von den Anfangen bis 1933. Berlin: Henschel, 1988. *
— contains an article by ch. m. (Christiane Muckenberger)

Clark, Mike. “Movies.” USA Today, November 9, 1990.
— capsule review of video release; “Louise Brooks’ lasting legend rests on the two films she made with German director G.W. Pabst at the end of the silent era. Though not quite up to the previous year’s Pandora’s Box, this is not to be missed – a sordid journey through unwed pregnancy, reform school, brothel employment and eventual respectability. Archivally restored and of higher print quality than other available Lost Girl tapes.”

anonymous. “Diary of a Lost Girl.” Kino International, 1990.  *
— brief catalog entry

Schlemmer, Gottfried, and Riff, Bernhard and Haberl, Georg. (editors) G. W. Pabst. Munster: MAkS Publikationen, 1990. *
— papers from an international symposium held November, 1986 in Vienna, Austria; includes Janet Bergstrom’s “Psychologische Erklarung in Den Filmen von Pabst und Land” (“Psychological Explantion in the Films of Lang and Pabst”) and Heide Schlupmann’s “Das Bordell als Arkadischer Ort? Tagebuch Einer Verlorenen von G.W. Pabst” (“Diary of a Lost Girl, “The Brothel as an Arcadian Space ?”)

Rentschler, Eric (editor). The Films of G. W. Pabst: An Extraterritorial Cinema. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1990. *
— contains Heide Schlupmann’s essay on Diary of a Lost Girl, “The Brothel as an Arcadian Space ?”

Sarris, Andrew. “Diary of a Lost Girl.” Video Review, February, 1991.
— review of video release

Clark, Jeff. “Diary of a Lost Girl.” Library Journal, March 1, 1991.
— review of video release

Gandert, Gero. Der Film der Weimarer Republik 1929. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1993. *
— contains a 6 page chapter on the film

author unknown. Sight and Sound, March, 1994. (England)
— video note

author unknown. Telerama. June 29, 1994. (France)
— review

Siclier, Jacques. “La subversion selon Pabst.” Le Monde, July 4, 1994. (France)
— article

Bammé, Arno. Margaeete Böhme: Die Erfolgsschriftstellerin aus Husum. Berlin: Profil, 1994. *
— includes a few pages of related text and images

Rapp, Bernard and Lamy, Jean Claude (editors). Dictionnaire des films. Paris: Larousse, 1995. *
— includes a brief entry (cast, credits and plot) by S. K. (Stéphan Krezinski)

Cox, T. “Diary of a lost spectator: carving a space for female desire in patriarchal cinema,” Spectator, no. 1, 1996. (England)
— article

Harris, Mike. “Box Watch.” The Australian, January 9, 1996. (Australia)
— capsule review of an Australian television broadcast

Knop, Matthias. “Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” SDK-Newsletter, 1997. (Germany)

Århus Studenternes Filmklub. “Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” February, 1997. (Denmark)
— webpage with comments on the film by Theodor Christensen (from 1965), and Bjørn Rasmussen (from 1970)

Jeavons, Clyde. “Diary of a lost girl.” London Film Festival, 1997. (England) *
— brief program note

McCarty, John. International dictionary of films and filmmakers. Chicago: St. James Press, 1997. *
— contains an entry on the film

anonymous. “Das tagebuch einer verlorenen.” Bologna Film Festival, c. 1997. (Italy) *
— full page program note

Koll, Gerald. Pandoras Schätze: Erotikkonzeptionen in den Stummfilmen von G.W. Pabst. Munchen: Diskurs Film Verlag, 1998. *
— contains a lengthy, illustrated chapter on Diary of a Lost Girl

Maltin, Leonard. Leonard Maltin’s Movie & Video Guide. New York: Signet, 1998. *
— capsule review; “Pabst and Brooks’ followup to their Pandora Box’s is even more sordid, yet in some ways more intriguing: Louise is, in succession, raped, gives birth, is put in a detention home, then a brothel, inherits money, marries, is widowed… and writer Rudolf Leonhardt claims only the first half of his script was filmed. Fascinating nonetheless, with an explicitness that’s still surprising; a must for devotees of German stylistics (and of course, Brooks). Fully restored version was reissued in 1984.”

anonymous. “Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” Kino, no. 3, 1999. (Germany)
— illustrated article with film credits

anonymous. “Film Notes – Diary of a Lost Girl.” Pacific Film Archive, November 5, 1999.
— restored version; brief program notes regarding the PFA Film Series “Revivals & Restorations” – Berkeley, California (follow this link to access text)

anonymous. “Le journal d’une fille perdue.” Cannes Film Festival, 1999. (France) *
— brief program note

Amengual, Barthelemy. “Du bordel comme monde et comme representation.” Vertigo, nr. 20, 2000. (France)
— article

Erickson, Hal. “Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen.” All Movie Guide, circa 2000. *
— capsule review on film website; “Brooks is the erotically challenged heroine . . . ”

Morandini, Morando. Dizionario dei film. Bologna, Italy: Zanichelli, 2000. *
— includes a brief entry on the film

Pendergast, Tom and Sara. International Dictionary of Film and Filmakers IV, Films, Detroit and London: St. James Press, 2000
— section by John McCarthy on Diary of a Lost Girl; (4th ed.; 1st. ed 1984; 2nd ed. 1990; 3rd. ed. 1997)

Schionfeld, Christiane (edited). Commodities of desire: the prostitute in modern German literature, Camden House, 2000.
— contains Margaret McCarthy’s “The representation of prostitutes in literature and film: Margarethe Bohme and G. W. Pabst”

Thomajan, Dale. “Diary of a Lost Girl.” TV Guide Online, circa 2001. *
— review on entertainment website; “Despite its conventional, abrupt, and unsatisfying ending, it is still valuable for its frequent audacity, its scathing dissection of bourgeois selfishness and hypocrisy, and its showcasing of the incomparable Louise Brooks in her prime.”

Kehr, Dave. “Diary of a Lost Girl.” Chicago Reader, (early) 2001. *
— capsule review; Chicago, Illinois publication

Zimmer, Mark. “Diary of a Lost Girl.” digitally Obsessed.com, November 13, 2001. *
— review of DVD release

anonymous. “New on Video.” USA Today, November 30, 2001. *
— review of DVD release

Simmons, Robert E. “Louise Brooks Ignites the Screen.” Desert Post Weekly, December 9, 2001.
— review of DVD release; “In the era of the silent cinema, no one ignited the screen like Louise Brooks. . . . an absolutely exquisite film of great emotional power. Close ups of Brooks defy description. She will take your breath away.” – Palm Springs, California newspaper

Major, Wade. “Diary of a Lost Girl.” Boxoffice Magazine, 2001. *
— review of DVD release

Dick, Jeff T. “Diary of a Lost Girl. (Fast Scans–Foreign & Indie Films).” Library Journal, February 15, 2002. *
— review of DVD release; “With her wide, expressive eyes and bobbed hair, Louise Brooks has become an icon of silent film. She was never more heartrending than in her definitive role here as a young woman whose innocence is taken, sending her down a rocky road before eventual salvation. Although marred by age-related damage, this wonderfully scored, restored version of G.W. Pabst’s classic belongs in all collections.”

Eyman, Scott. “‘Empire’ Illustrates Spielberg’s Growth.” Palm Beach Post, March 8, 2002. *
— review of DVD release in Palm Beach, Florida newspaper

anonymous. “Lost and Enduring: The Endurance; Shackleton’s Legendary Antarctic Expedition; Sorcerer; Diary of a Lost Girl.” Santa Barbara Independent, March 14, 2002. *
— short review of screening in Santa Babrbara, California newspaper

Bracho, Llum. “Pabst: la subtitulacio de pellicules mudes a l’epoca de Weimar.” Zeitschrift fur Katalanistik – Revista d’estudis catalans, nr. 15, 2002 (Spain)
— about intertitles in Spain

Siegel, Sol Louis. Sound & Vision, May 2002.
— reviews The Blue Angel and Diary of a Lost Girl

anonymous. “The Films of G.W. Pabst.” Film Society of Lincoln Center, August 2002. *
— program note

Centioni, Michela. Il personaggio femminile nel cinema muto di G.W.Pabst: Il diario di una donna perduta, University of Rome, 2002.
— academic thesis

Fairservice, Don. Film Editing: History, Theory, and Practice: Looking at the Invisible. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, 2002. *
— contains eight pages of material

Weiner, Tom. The Off-Hollywood Film Guide. New York: Random House, 2002.
— contains entries on Diary of a Lost Girl and Pandora’s Box

Gregersen, Erik. “Diary of a Lost Girl (G. W. Pabst, 1929).” Revenge of the Audience, 200?. *
— capsule review on the web; “The lost girl in question is the amazing Louise Brooks. You can’t say enough good things about her. In fact, I’m willing to say that she gives one of the best performances I have ever seen. The plot of the movie places a young, innocent girl, Thymiane (Brooks), in a universe where everyone wants to degrade her, usually through sex. Brooks seems to some sort of angel of whom the on- screen world is not worthy. Some other actors walk on to leer at Louise, but she triumphs over them all. Wow is all I can say.”

anonymous. “Pandora’s Box and Diary of a Lost Girl; Directed by G.W. Pabst; Starring Louise Brooks.” Ripsaw, June 11, 2003. *
— article about Pandora’s Box and Diary of a Lost Girl

anonymous. “The Films of G.W. Pabst.” UCLA Film and Television Archive, January 2004. *
— included in program note

Ebert, Roger. “Movie Answer Man.” Chicago Sun Times, February 22, 2004 . *
— brief item in Chicago, Illinois newspaper

Villarreal, Roberto. “Cine en su Casa / Seres de otro mundo.” El Norte, May 28, 2004. (Mexico) *
— “Diario de Una Muchacha Perdida (Das Tagebuch einer Verlorenen) 1929. Alemania. Dir.: G.W. Pabst. Con Louise Brooks y André Roanne. Una muchacha trabaja en la farmacia de su padre donde es acosada por un asistente quien la viola y deja embarazada. Para salvaguardar su honor, luego de dar a luz es enviada a un internado donde sufre otro tipo de desgracias que la llevarán a escapar para trabajar en un burdel… Segunda cinta del maestro Pabst con la norteamericana Brooks donde vuelve a interpretar a una joven víctima de las ironías del destino… .” – brief write-up in México D.F. newspaper

Bamber, Martyn. “Diary of a Lost Girl.” sense of cinema, June, 2004. *
— article on Australian cinema website

Douglas, John. “Silent film analyzes battle of the sexes.” Grand Rapids Press, September 17, 2004. *
— review of DVD release; “The print of Diary of a Young Girl on this DVD has been restored, and much of the footage deleted by the early censors has been restored. So it is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with this film starring a true talent few people remember.”

S., J. “Le Monde de la Television.” Le Monde, June 12, 2005. (France)
— short article regarding television screening

Gladysz, Thomas. The Diary of a Lost Girl (Louise Brooks edition). PandorasBox Press, 2010. *
— introduction contains material on the film